
Our Maisie Moon on the fifth anniversary of her adoption.  Copyright 2023 J.B. Fitzgerald,

When Maisie first came home with us, slobber gushed from her jowls (though she’s not, by nature, a drooler), hair flew off her like confetti in a hurricane, and her gloriously bushy tail appeared smooth and sleek like the overgrown appendage of a rat.  The circumstances of her adoption had necessitated welcoming her into our home only hours after she’d been spayed.  She’d dozed off briefly, clearly distressed to awaken in surroundings she did not recognize.  Despite the mind-muddling effects of the anesthetic and painkillers, she did recognize us though—Dennie and myself—and that seemed to provide some comfort as she adapted to her new environs.  Over the days that followed, the deluge slowly ceased, the shedding lessened (as much as it ever would), and an overgrown rat tail fluffed out to a luxurious thickness that any classy canine would envy.

Earlier this month, we celebrated the fifth anniversary of that event—not so much the terror-stricken, post-surgical trauma of it, but the grand fact of it, the fact that she had, after an unforeseen delay, finally become a Fitzgerald.  It was a celebration of every extraordinary thing her arrival has meant for our household since; it was a rollicking, unequivocal celebration of her.  Maisie has undergone many wondrous transformations in these five years, and, as she’s grown and evolved into the remarkable companion that she is, she has also seen her family through countless challenges and changes of our own.

Sometimes change can be heartbreaking; sometimes it can simply fill one’s heart with a giddy delight.  Today, it’s all about the latter.  I am genuinely excited to debut, not only a completely new cover design and promotional campaign for The Sun Orbits My Dog, but this first sneak peek at its sequel, Moonlight of the Talking Dog.  Here, you’ll be able to catch up with Georgiana and her silly antics and revel in the joys and transformations of Miss Maisie Moon, the bushy-tailed German Shepherd-Beagle beauty shown in the photo above.  This second volume in the Operation Wigglebutt Chronicles will be available for pre-order soon, and just like its predecessor, book two is bursting with photographs to accompany an all-new collection of anecdotes.  As we’ve come to expect of our favorite fairy tales, Moonlight reminds us there is only one sure path through the darkest woods and the direst storms.  It is the trail every good dog sniffs out so effortlessly.  It is the bright, verdant path of true love.


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J.B. Fitzgerald,