in love...with a whole new look

Maisie Moon, Valentine's Day, a photo by J.B. Fitzgerald.  All rights reserved.

Happy Valentine’s Day to the book-obsessed, the dog-obsessed, the anything-good-for-your-heart obsessed!

While I love my dogs (obviously), my home and family, my work, and, of course, my readers, today I find myself quite smitten with a new look for all the books in The Operation Wigglebutt Chronicles as well. I hope you’ll check out the bright and shiny new covers, and, if you haven’t read these collections of mostly humorous anecdotes yet, the first two memoirs and the box set are currently discounted at both KOBO and Amazon.

As someone who frequently gravitates toward the artistically distressed, I was hesitant to let go of the vintage-journal aesthetic of the previous covers. But, as good fortune would have it, I’m even more excited about these. The bright colors, the enchanting celestial designs by Ana Kaoni—these elements combine to better reflect the affection and whimsy that dances across the pages and photographs inside…kind of like how my Maisie Moon dances across the house or yard at first mention of the word cheese. (As dance moves go, this is among the more perilous beagle boogies. Standing in the pathway between dog and cheddar is sincerely discouraged.)

The cherry on this Valentine’s treat: you may now simultaneously meet the books’ four amazing rescues and glimpse the new covers in the delightful video trailer below.

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