moonlight savings time

Spring is nearly upon us, but, here in the Pacific Northwest, that doesn’t necessarily mean the cold and rainy—sometimes snowy—days will quietly surrender to sunlight, at least not in any semblance of a timely fashion. But don’t think for a second that means we’re pining to escape our seemingly dreary existence. No. Dennie and I have a dog, a very large and extraordinary dog. And dogs, as most of you are probably well aware, are nothing if not perpetual sunshine delivered via four furry feet, along with illuminating rays of shed hair and dripping slobber.

The approaching season has long been regarded as a time of rebirth, a fitting theme in light of my spring book release. In honor of National Rescue Dog Day, May 20, 2023, the second volume in the Operation Wigglebutt Chronicles will be hitting virtual bookshelves for the first time. Moonlight of the Talking Dog is already available for purchase at a deeply discounted pre-order price*. Inside, along with hundreds of new photographs, you’ll discover the gradual rebirth of another formerly mistreated and abandoned dog, as well as the tender and often comical ways in which she brought yours truly back to life following a series of devastating tragedies. While Moonlight addresses grief to a greater extent than the previous book, it is with an emphasis on one compassionate canine’s vital role in the healing process. Like The Sun Orbits My Dog, much of Moonlight, however, will carry readers through the jolly exploits and laugh-out-loud moments of my efforts to parent a rather vocal animal destined to inspire the first-ever chapter of Mensa for Mutts.

This past weekend, we may have abided a 105-year tradition of Daylight Savings by advancing our clocks one hour, but for all my dog-loving readers, Moonlight Savings Time has only just begun.

*Special sale price will only be available for a limited introductory period, so be sure to order your copy today.


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Thank you to Micon Designs for the beautiful moonlight background.