i should have been a sleuth

Crocodile eye.

Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, writing a book requires unflinching dedication and a considerable amount of time. The process can be utterly liberating one day and fraught with pitfalls the next, but the reward is there in the end, dangling from the last lines of the story as our heroine—just three chapters earlier—had dangled from a craggy precipice over the gaping maws of bloodthirsty crocodiles. The author experienced every perilous moment from the comfort of a trusty chair, and the heroine, well, that chick had it easy. She only had to heave herself back onto solid ground in eighty-mile-per-hour winds, with one broken wrist and an ankle locked between the merciless fangs of her nemesis. She, unlike this author, didn’t have to set up a blog on a spanking new website.

Talk about harrowing.

It’s not that it is infinitely confounding to write a blog. It’s that I’d never done that here. I didn’t know the temperament of the platform, the idiosyncrasies of the settings. Frankly, I didn’t know which button might alter a font or drown the entire Western Hemisphere in a flood of frenzied fuchsia frogs. Some days the process was utterly liberating, but not until I’d faced several sessions that had been fraught with the kinds of pitfalls that made those crocodiles look a little less daunting. For all the snooping, digging, poking, and digital experimentation it took to get here, I probably should have been a sleuth. Yet, here I am, at last, blogging and relatively unscathed. (I fear I can offer no sound explanation for the tooth marks on my ankle.)

The new, illustrated edition of my 2016 memoir, The Sun Orbits My Dog, will soon be hitting virtual bookshelves, and I am pleased to announce that my follow-up collection of dog-parenting anecdotes will become available for pre-order early in 2023. If you love dogs, if you’ve experienced, firsthand, the uplifting metamorphosis of an animal rescued into a nurturing home, then these story-and-photograph-filled volumes are the tail-wagging true tales I’ve assembled for readers just like you.

Subscribe to my newsletter for more information on these and future book releases and other relevant news. I will not bombard your mailbox with idle chatter, and you have my solemn oath: while you may be met by exclusive special offers, not once will you open one of my newletters to a deadly bask of semi-aquatic reptiles.

Welcome to jbfitzgeraldbooks.com. I’m delighted to make your acquaintance.

J.B. Fitzgerald Books

Thank you to Petr Ganaj for the crocodile photo used in this post.