backyard at the beach

A day at the beach is a singularly enchanting experience: the brine-scented air, the refreshing breezes off the water, sailboats and seagulls bobbing to the rhythm of the waves, and the feeling that time has come to a standstill in the most tranquil manner imaginable. With a nine-day vacation set for early June, for months we looked forward to walking the pebbled shores of Marine Park or Larrabee, to accompanying the geese and the heron along the marina's annular path. After being homebound for the last three years, we are still yearning to share these adventures and more with our delightful German shepherd-beagle, but, for our vacation, it was not to be. Due to staff shortages and reduced hours, the soonest we could get an appointment for Maisie's vaccine boosters was the middle of June. To risk her health in the meantime is simply not an option.

Maisie Moon in Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses...the Coolest Dog in the Universe.

If we couldn't escort our beagle to the beach, certainly we could bring that coveted beach vibe to our beagle. We may not have salty air or seagulls or sailboats--or, for that matter, water that doesn't come out of a hose, an oddity that Maisie finds wholly distasteful--but we have a big backyard, a hammock and ukelele, not to mention bright blue and brilliantly sunny skies; we have the three of us, no obligations, and an ability to find the wonder and humor in just about everything. In other words, we are in a seaside state of mind. We are Hakuna Matata, without an insect-gorging warthog and meerkat. We are Margaritaville, sans margaritas. We're even Don't Worry, Be Happy without McFerrin's infectious tune getting stuck in our heads. And, as we relax and marvel in the tranquility of our own woodland property, we have the honor of sharing our current Zen-like existence with—as you can plainly see—The Coolest Dog in the Universe.

Get to know Maisie better in the memoir, Moonlight of the Talking Dog.